Life Membership is considered as the highest club honour at the Wimbledon Hawks and is ultimately voted for by other life members.
To be nominated for life membership at the Wimbledon Hawks an individual typically will have met the following guidelines;
Have played for the Hawks in any grade
Have been heavily involved in the off field running of the club (e.g. President, Coach, Committee)
Have provided at least 5 years service to the club
Be considered a worthy ambassador of the club both on and off the field.
Life membership is not automatic under any circumstances. Any nominations for life membership must be approved by the existing life members.
Although there is scope to award life membership to people that do not meet all the above criteria, it will only be considered in exceptional circumstances (e.g. outstanding and long term contribution by someone that is unable to play due to disability, age etc.). In all cases, a life member must nominate an individual and outline their case for consideration by all other life members.
if you would like to nominate someone as a life member please email who will put your request forward to the life members group